Hello Again

Getting support from the light-bearers

Problem: The grief one is met with after the death of a loved-one is crushing. Simply talking about that person or what might’ve happened to them, may prevent many from going to seek help from a therapist. Black death, is a very real and troubling issue. With COVID-19 alone, 1 in 3 Black Americans knows of someone who has passed away from the virus; a figure 10x higher than in White Americans.

Insight: Most people are inclined to receive help and support from someone they trust; someone they already have a relationship with.



With the help of a AI voice cloning (DP-53) technology, it is possible to recreate the voice of someone that you love from just a few seconds of video. A person who is struggling with the thought of speaking with a therapist could utilize this technology to open up and feel more compelled to receive the help that they need.

Bringing old voices to life