You are witnessing the coalescence of two cycles. That of time and life. Time, being this omnipresent force effecting everything that we do and why we do it; and life, where nothing is truly asked of us but to be. The women in this painting, my great-aunt and grandmother, are shown shining at the peak of their youth. Black and unafraid, they would combat racism, poverty, sexism and colorism all at once and dare to take the leap to start anew in a place just as unforgiving. With time on their hands, they dared to become new people, starting new cycles. And while most of their dreams were never fully realized, it was in their defiance, but also their submission, that allowed my world to go round.
What inspired the painting
Toni Morrison’s take on racism really opened my eyes. With a beautiful metaphor Toni equates those who practice racism to those who are suffering from a psychosis that no one investigates for what it is. Why? Well, because the entire belief of those who practice racism hangs upon a social construct that they themselves created. Toni, poses a profound rhetorical question, asking racists, if such a construct disappeared tomorrow, would they still be powerful, strong, or smart?
Erika Alexander’s video served as a form of inspiration for this piece too, in that it reminds us that we as Black people have always found ways to create, regardless of our surroundings and circumstance. And what we have created still lives on today, and will continue to live on tomorrow.